Days of Our Lives Message Board


Jada has been completely out of control since she saw Everett/Bobby.

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Wed, 27-Mar-2024 6:23:56 PM PDT
Where: Days of Our Lives Message Board
In topic: posted by
In reply to: Jada is being a bitch and I don't like it at all posted by Andrea
Like you said, she's railing on Stephanie for things that are not her fault and she's badgering Everett when it's clear he doesn't remember her. I don't think he would start therapy like he has if he's just playing games. I do think he will have DID, some trauma from his past, likely involving the father he can't remember. Jada just needs to chill for a bit and let things get sorted out.

Also, please, please tell me the baby lie is about to be exposed. I need Nicole to get her son back and Sloan to go to jail.

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