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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sun, 21-Jul-2024 8:11:12 PM PDT
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of July 22nd

Monday July 22nd
Hope is with Finn when he receives news about Sheila; Liam and Steffy stand firm in their belief that Sheila is a murderess.

Tuesday July 23rd
Finn stuns Steffy with his thoughts on Sheila's innocence; Poppy eavesdrops as Katie questions Bill about his relationship with her.

Wednesday July 24th
Steffy's ire rises when she learns Brooke will be the face of the Brooke's Bedroom relaunch; Bill asks Li for a personal favor; Katie questions the accuracy of Luna's paternity test.

Thursday July 25th
Brooke and Hope worry about Steffy furthering the Logan Forrester feud; Katie makes it her mission to find out about Poppy's past; Steffy allows past hurts to surface when speaking with Ridge.

Friday July 26th
Poppy gets agitated when Katie turns up the heat; the Brooke's Bedroom photo shoot begins.

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