Bold and the Beautiful Message Board


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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sun, 19-May-2024 5:42:39 PM PDT
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
On Monday, May 20, Finn and Hope (above) have conflicting emotions when faced with a difficult decision, and Steffy vents to Liam about Hope’s possible influence over Finn…. On Tuesday, May 21, Steffy is distraught to learn that Deacon (above) and Sheila are getting married, and Finn assists Hope with a medical issue…. Brooke, Ridge, and Steffy attempt to reason with Hope on Wednesday, May 22, and Sheila makes an outlandish request of Finn…. On Thursday, May 23, the marriage ceremony of Sheila and Deacon commences.…Expect the unexpected at Deacon and Sheila’s wedding on Friday, May 24.


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