Bold and the Beautiful Message Board


SOD: Comings And Goings spoiler

From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Mon, 04-Mar-2024 4:33:22 PM PST
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
Who's Coming
Kyra Selman (Morgue Assistant): Selman is slated to make an appearance on March 5.

Who's Going
Kimberlin Brown (Sheila Carter): As B&B viewers saw last week, Sheila was pronounced dead, marking the end of Brown’s latest stint on the show. On Instagram, Supervising Producer Casey Kasprzyk paid homage to Brown, saying, “This is an appreciation post for Kimberlin Brown – undoubtedly the greatest villain in daytime television history. It’s been a dream working with her over the years, and so thankful for all the memories.”


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