Bold and the Beautiful Message Board


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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sat, 24-Feb-2024 8:12:39 PM PST
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of Feb 26th through March 1st

Monday Feb 26th
Finn confesses his true feelings about Steffy and Sheila's altercation to Hope; Steffy can't shake her overwhelming, ominous feeling about Sheila.

Tuesday Feb 27th
Deacon and Liam argue about Sheila's unpredictable behavior; Steffy and Finn encounter an unexpected challenge.

Wednesday Feb 28th
Carter delivers unanticipated information to Ridge and Thomas; Finn reels at Steffy's news.

Thursday Feb 29th(Leap Year Day)
Hope informs Brooke of Steffy and Sheila's fight; Ridge and Thomas stand in support of Steffy, while Finn supports Sheila.

Friday March 1st
Ridge makes a request to Deputy Chief Baker; Hope comforts a distraught Finn at Sheila's apartment.

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