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That would be concerning. Either Dad or I, and sometimes both of us

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 05-Apr-2024 7:58:23 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️Thursday*-*Friday*-*Weekend Chat Post ☁️ posted by Leia
In reply to: MIL's house is rarely locked. Hubby is trying to change that especially since posted by Capricorn
tend to be home at all hours. The only time the house sits empty is the two hours we're gone Sunday morning for church and the rare occasion we make a trip out together. What DOES concern me about the latter: if it's a nice day and Dad thinks it'll be a short trip, he'll sometimes leave the garage door up. IIRC, our garage door opener is over 40 years old and lately, Dad's been convinced we shouldn't use it too much or it'll break/wear out and we'll need to get a new one. In the summer, he often puts the garage door up by hand in the morning and then puts the door down by hand as needed.'s one thing to have the garage door down and the doors closed but the house is unlocked. It's quite another to leave the garage door up--to me, that's practically like inviting someone into your home. Two other things work in our factor: our house is pretty far down our street, so you'd have to go a ways to get to it, passing far nicer houses along the way and also, we have the quintessential nosy neighbor who'd be on the phone SO FAST if she saw something suspicious.

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